Nowadays, it has a lot of technology that can help people in daily. And one of the most popular technology that people use , it is cell phone and the best cell phone that I think is the most useful for people is iphone because it can respond a lot of things for people.
I-phone is the first cell phone that use touch screen technology , it can help people who use iphone can use it easy to do everything that they want with it such as send an email , play a game on the internet , Bluetooth which you just use your fingers to touch a text on your screen , you can send it to everywhere that you want because it can connect to internet everywhere that have a wi-fi .

In my opinion , the another reason that makes iphone is the best-seller cell phone in this day is games because it use touch screen that can make player has a good feeling because when you play games with touch screen , it will make you have another feeling with join player or keyboard .

At the present , Apple Company is making a new product for example ipad , iphone 4G and Macbook. I think it a good product and high technology for people in this social .In my opinion , it will have a new technology that can replaces i-phone in the future just you wait and see it !!
Finally , technology has many useful but we should use it right way. Although we shouldn’t use technology in wrong way because it make a problem to another people.